Hi all!
benefiter fund usage update: https://www.fydbac.com/help/about-funds
iron sketch: http://fydbac.com/ironsketch
I'm now welcoming VAGUE prompts in iron sketch orders: It's not exactly "direction", but it's probably the closest I'll ever get in sketch commissions. The reason I stopped allowing direction, and why i'll never do so again, is because i just got burned out from following others directions when I BARELY made time for my own projects (in 2018: 4500 commissions in 10yrs and only 110 or so were personal projects).
Vague prompts sound interesting tho!
If interested, or know anyone who may be interested, PLEASE spread word.
iron sketch: http://fydbac.com/ironsketch
I've been having an abysmal time in reaching fans who would commission or book me, and things are dire financially, so please, please spread word if you like my work!
BENEFITER UPDATES: art fund usage.
I made this addendum MONTHS ago, but thought it best to remind:
Concerning using 'art fund' for tattoo project: While I'm guesting, where I must pay my host a percentage in order to compensate them for allowing us to use their safe space, I must request benefiters use only 50 - 90% towards their tattoo project.
ONCE I find a residency, meaning I'm an official team member of a studio, then I'll be able to allow 100% fund usage again!