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Tattoo Request

  • For those who'd feel more comfortable by submitting a request before booking a consult or session.

  • Im unconventional, which seems to overwhelm folk: I hope that doesn't scare you off.

    • I ask what I ask, and nothing more, for both our benefits.

  • Questions? Please read 'Help' or Ask. If you don't hear back in 7 business days, please resubmit.

Jainai's style most drawn to:
black or color?
On a budget?
Upload ONE image of your chosen canvas

By submitting this form, you admit to understanding all info + agree to ask questions when you are unsure and if the 'Help' does


You understand that in our correspondence, if I do not receive any replies from your email within 24 hours to my own, I will consider you no longer interested, will cease engagement, delete your request, and you must resubmit your request.


Further info can be found in 'Help'. If not, feel free to contact me.

Thank you for considering me!! I'll be touching base within 24 hours!

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