ALL original: no copying, no imitating. Custom work is on an hourly or day rate, While pre-mades are all flat rated (single payment).
Freestyle tattooing: illustrative & FLO style!
Day rate: $1,400
Hourly rate: $250
Benefiters: as low as $150/hr · $1100/day

Pre-made designs
Pre-made designs, Blinks and Flo, are ALL flat rate! Lower rate during tattoo events. NEVER repeated/recycled!
First serve, ONLY serve. No repeats.
Blink sheets: flat $250
Medium/Large Blink: start @ $500+
Benefiter: at least $50-$500 off

For the latest tattoo work, events, deals, & more, follow Instagram!
Shop Minimum = Minimum pay for a session: the rate at one hour.
. Events .
Official day for tattoo deals
At LEAST $50 off
At LEAST $90 off for Benefiters!
Lower cost on all pre-made designs
Lock in lower rate for bigger projects!
Original freehand: no stencil, I draw on skin, you approve, then tattoo!
. Deals .
Even more deals!
Take advantage today!
Referral program
Special Fliers
Deals on specific tattoo projects
Tattoo events | RSVP
- Fri, Feb 14Location is TBD
Tattoo events, at least ONE day a month, are when you can save on your tattoo!
Best for small tattoos and locking in lower rate for medium to large pre-made designs and custom designs!
*Save even more by joining the Benefit program.

photo by client, Hoi
Remove protection no later than 12 hours.
Wash with mild soap, using only your hands. NO CLOTH.
Make sure shower does not hit tattoo directly.
Make sure no shiny spots remain. If they do, clean that spot again.
Let air dry. NO CLOTH.
After cleaning, leave it alone till next cleaning!
Repeat daily for THREE WEEKS.
. If real dry, dab a little silicone based moisturizer on said dry area (NO petroleum based, NO shea butter, and NEVER too much).
Leave it alone . method
Things to NEVER do while healing |.
scratching . direct sunlight . pool . beaches . bath .
running water on tattoo . exposure to unsanitary conditions!
3+4 protective film* . method
Remove protection no later than 12 hours.
Wash with mild soap, using only your hands. NO CLOTH.
Make sure shower does not hit tattoo directly.
Make sure no shiny spots remain. If they do, clean that spot again.
Let air dry. NO CLOTH.
Put on a NEW protective film.
Keep it for THREE days.
Day THREE: repeat steps 1- 6
Keep it for FOUR days. [making it ONE week in total].
Then LEAVE IT ALONE method.
*Recommended for color and those with fur pets.
. remember .
There are several different approaches to caring for one's tattoo, but they all share the following:
· AFTER CARE methods·