character adopt .
Pre-made character design sketches [each are original from scratch, NOT BASE MODELS] to be used however you wish (NOT including profit/commercial/species).
Good for coloring practice, DnD characters, preliminary concept design, etc.. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!
Select any add-ons (fashion, reference sheet views, gender change, etc.).
I will announce adopts on (in order): Benefiters, discord, twitter, and maybe FurAffinity.
Copyright restrictions apply: I maintain all profit + species rights exclusively, while buyer holds non-profit rights (role play, recolor, etc.). Unless you evolve the design: see f.a.q. for details!
. Need more help on how to use the store? View the tutorial playlist on youtube .
. Delivery .
Email only
NO add-ons: immediate delivery.
WITH add-ons: within 21 business days.
Deadlines are suspended Mondays and Tuesdays!
. Includes .
hi-res jpg + PSD [lines, flat color layers]
Exclusive rights, see product for more details.
I cannot use the character myself for 1 year.
. No holds or payment plans allowed .
. See 'help', for more assistance .
. Remember .
ONE model per person. If you order one model, you cannot order another in the same order.
You are prohibited from reselling or any profitable activities.
Your completed order is your agree to all terms under fydbac, llc.
See 'f.a.q.' for further rights.