regular commission: client direction
SKU: direction
- ONE direction PER order. NO LINKS ALLOWED.
- MUST ADD to order if you want to provide direction.
- If 'fydbac reign' or 'semi-fydbac reign: You do not need to add this.
client direction OR music sketch
Client Direction |
The direction is what you'd like to see in the sketch: specific pose, action, design change, clothing, etc.
- character limit in place. NO LINKS ALLOWED.
- ONE direction per order.
- See f.a.q. for direction etiquette.
Music sketch |
The sketch is based off the song you provide.
- Includes a process video with your song! [NO commentary]
- For a commentary version, go to 'process video' product]
One or the other, NOT BOTH!!
Why $?
- It's the only convenient way to get your direction with the system.
- It's fair compensation to make me into ones art puppet in any way :)
I am...
- Regular client: NOT a benefit/patreon supporter of any level.
- benefit 'human'+: You ARE a benefit/patreon supporter of at least 'Human' level.
- benefit 'star dust'+: You ARE a benefit/patreon supporter of at least 'Star dust' level.
Become a Benefiter:
More info in
If you are a 'Regular client', and pick one of the "benefits" anyway, We will cancel your order and black list you for an indisclosed amount of time without warning or compromise.