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BACK IN LA: guest spots and more!

Hello all!

I hope you all are doing well!

I made it back to LA and am guest spot touring! Won't have my own private space for a while, so guest spotting until I either gain a residency or my new private space!

You can find the locations and their date range on the booking site! OR rsvp a tattoo event! Now for some newsletter 'first look' news!

  • First 3 to book a tattoo session, will get a special rate!

    • REMEMBER, one can use no more than TWO offers/perks for ONE project at a time, that includes discounted egift cards!

  • LIMITED TIME: human level ($3/month OR $36/year) is joinable till Oct. 1st @11:59pm!

+ Here are codes for egift cards ("tattoo" tab on to be used with a tattoo project OR a sketch commission (see 'custom' tab on the site, input code at checkout): You must activate the ecard under your same email on, + ALL offers EXPIRES October 31st.

  • All codes have a limited use! First come first serve!

  • Please feel free to activate the code BEFORE it expires! Activated egift cards have NO "use by" date!

Thank you once more and always for your support!


Non-benefiters (All benefiters may activate this as well) :


(if egift card: minimum load: $250)

...15% off


EXCLUSIVE Benefiter codes (if egift card: minimum load: $200) are .....

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