Hello all!
In case you were not aware: earlier this month or so, some asshole reported 'pro+com 08' on youtube, and had it taken down, (which i'm currently disputing). Pro+com 08 had been the first nsfw to be anniversary released. And it was reported about a month or less into it's public accessibility.
Only every 3rd video is publicly released / not exclusive for benefit members. So on the year anniversary of the exclusive videos, I make them 'public' on youtube.
I'm still highly annoyed at being forced to change plans. And youtube is apparently incredibly strict.
So Anniversary released NSFW videos will be now made available in the 'NSFW video' section of 'Benefit' tab, for 'Star Dust' members to access.
To access:
Go to fydbac.com
Benefit tab
NSFW videos
input the monthly passward
To ensure no further reports from complete stranger bitches, the password will change each month. And will be given along with the Promo code blog. Supporters with site membership already have access, so they won't ever need it.
This month password is:
*site members have always had access to ALL videos, so they won't ever need it.
Thank you again for all your support! If anything, I do hope this at least adds to the perk of being a Star dust member!
Back to work I go,