Print selection:
- Automatically approved (Medium and Large blinks only):
- Most Concepts:
- Feel free to ASK if something can be made into a print BEFORE placing an order!
Too many pieces that could be a print, so here your chance to simply choose which piece you want as a print, and I will place the order and have them ship it directly to you.
- Printer used: inPRINT, , All print issues must be addressed with them directly.
- Delivery estimate: I will place the order within seven business days, and send you the order and shipping confirmation!
Print your choice
- ONE order at a time.
Nearly any piece I create can be made into a print (excluding client OC commissions). Galleries to choose from:
- pre-made
- concept designs (excluding "fasion" and "tailor-made")
- any comic page or artbook entry
- All others, please ASK before placing the order!