stream line-art
- Lines only.
- 2nd character is discounted. 3rd or more is regular price.
- Use 'Client direction' product to give direction: that is anything beyond giving a visual reference link. See f.a.q. for details.
full body | partial body
full body: Full character(s) body: from feet or ankles upward.
partial body: Half of the character(s) body: hips and above. No genitals.
character ref (important)
Three options to input (pick only ONE for each character):
- 1 link ONLY per character. Visuals only.
- w.d.o. (100 character limit, NO links) only NUDE description allowed. Go to "client direction" to add fashion or etc.
- fydbac reign.
- See f.a.q. ('commissions') for more acceptable character reference for sketch commissions.
- See f.a.q. ('commissions') for more guidlines in providing character reference for sketch commissions.
Please follow this format:
char1:, char2:
- Link too long? use
Ignore or try to work around the above, and I will cancel and refund your order without warning.
fydbac reign | semi-fydbac reign
- IMPORTANT: See 'help' - "key terms" for definitions.
- Submitting an order means you read, understand, and accept the definitions.
image rating