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Char adopt #33

Same species as Char adopt #31, Inyo. Obviously inspired by "medusa", but with my own take on an actual species (fact sheet in the Library, linked under 'Benefit program' tab).

He's trans, but you can order a gender change no problem!

His human ethnicity is inspired by the Udmurt peoples, and overall vibe was inspired by a writer, Johannes ( ): just a slice of what their stories/characters inspire in me in general. [Go check em out! The have physical books, one shots, serials, and tweetfics!]

You can actually use the above code for ANY store, so feel free to apply it to books, merch, commissions, etc.!


Any questions, please refer to the f.a.q.! No help there, feel free to ask in a comment to this post!

ALSO, I got 2 more char-adopts planned! Another Inyo, and a weredobe: I did this species once before as a char adopt, but it's now earning it's name cause I'm finally doing another of it's species! (Well, technically it's the 3rd I think). Once I finish all three (and post ont he 'exclusive' store), then I'll post publicly, so Benefiters have first dibs till then!

And now....

Once again and always, thank you for your support! And I do hope you are taking care of yourself, and not allowing some jackass to tell ya otherwise!



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